Lottenlund Estate
För oss är det viktigt att våra kunder känner sig trygga hos oss. Därför har vi sammanfattat vad lagen om GDPR
innebär för er och oss samt hur vi tar hand om era personuppgifter. Observera att nedan text inte är våra legala
policys utan en förenklad sammanfattande beskrivning för att ni ska känna er trygga hos oss.
What is GDPR?
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been in force since 25th of May 2018, within all EU countries. The legislation protects you as costumer and your rights in regard to treatment of personal information. The regulation is in place to protect your information from being used in undue purposes. Personal information is any form of data that can identify you as a person, through name, address, phone number, photography, or email. Lottenlund Estate AB is responsible for the data and decide how your personal data is used, stored, and collected. We store the following data on you as a costumer, name, address, phone number and email. The information will be used for billing, booking and for sending our newsletter. We make sure that the data is protected from undue usages.
Lottenlund Estate AB is resoponsible for personal data and decisions regarding handling,
collecting and using the personal data you give
to us. We collect the following data about you
want to become a client: name, address ,
phonenumber and email.
These data is used for invoices, bookings and
newsletter. We protect all personal data for
inappropriate use.
What happens if there is an incident?
If Lottenlund Estate AB have our data compromised or there has been an unexpected leak of data, will the incident be documented by the responsible actor and reported to Datainspektionen, as well as inform the parties affected by the leak within 72 hours.
Delete your information in our system.
If you have booked a visit with us, you can contact us anytime to demand that we showcase the data that is stored about you, as well as request changes of personal information or that we delete all the data we have on you. If you wish to do this, please contact us at .