Lottenlund Estate


We believe in sustainable development in the field of agriculture. That’s why we make sure to take our responsibility to contribute to for a more sustainable future in the beverage industry. Change does not happen overnight, and even as a small producer it is important to work continuous with our stakeholders, to improve in both the large and little things.


Lottenlund Estate will work for a more sustainable society where resources are funneled in a sustainable way. Our costumer should feel secure in that our products and production consider the environment impact and keep a sustainability perspective in every step of our decisions.

Sustainable vineyards

One of the greatest challenges in the traditional wine industry is mildew, that is combatted with copper treatment. This is a catastrophe for the environment, and we have therefore decided to exclusively use grape varieties (PIWI) that are resistant to mildew. These varieties are developed for the new generation of vineyards, that want to eliminate the usage of traditional chemical pesticides, which improve the microhabitats in the soil.

The nourishment for our vineyard, is primarily naturally sourced mainour from a farm from our local area. By using horse mainour we promote microorganism in the soil and create a better foundation for our vines and apple trees. The energy we take from the vineyard, in the form of harvest, we return in form of pomace, skins and stems. In the farm we have chickens that produce effective fertilizers, that we use for our botanical garden. Weeds are removed mechanically, so we can avoid using chemicals that destroy the environment for our pollinators and drain the soil.

Natural Circle

All our decisions in the vineyards and winery is based on recycling. As an example we take care of the pomace from the wineproduction and distill it into a marc.The rest, we put back to the soil again to feed the rainworms.


All our waste, internally and at our customers is recyclable and becomes new products. We carefully choose our suppliers based on our values and strive to source as much locally as possible. We constantly strive to minimize our plastic usage, in favor of more eco-friendly materials such as paper and biodegradable products. In addition, we are members of Svensk Glasåtervinning, that organize and collect glass packaging within Sweden, that saves natural resources and energy. Recycled bottles are sorted, crushed, and reused as new glassware. Did you know that Sweden is best in the world in glass recycling?

Sustainable decisions

Every decision on the farm is based on nature as a stakeholder. That’s why the decision felt natural 2016, to also maintain beehives on the vineyard, as the value of our pollinators far outweighs the benefit of honey sales. Another natural decision was to use Sedum on the roof of the winery that binds water and pollution in the air and isolate the winery. The suppliers that share our values, is those we bring along on our journey, our labels are printed by Nordvalls Etikett in Sjöbo, they are FSC-certified printing agency that works with sustainability keeping, ecology, economy, and social sustainability. Just like us. You can read more about FSC here here.

Global Sustainability Development Goals

We work in accordance with the SDGs, the most ambitious agenda for sustainable development that the world has put forward to realize by 2030. Read more about the goals here.

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