Lottenlund Estate


We offer laboratory analyses for wine and distillate producers in our laboratory at Lottenlund Estate. The analyses are made with the most advanced and precise FTIR Scanner for wine, Anton Paar Lyza 5000. Temperature, humidity and external vibrations have a great impact on FTIR Spectroscopy and Anton Paar eliminates these influences, ensuring standardised measurements that result in reliable, reproducible results even when the analysis is hermetically sealed. We perform analyses for both must and finished wine. We also help wineries with sulphur analysis and there we work with Mettler Toledo and we analyse both Free and Total Sulphur, including reductions in red wine. Since we analyse every day during the harvest period and every week during the rest of the year, we guarantee fast service for our customers.

Protein stability is another important factor for quality wines where proteins are extracted from the grapes during winemaking and can create veils in white and rosé wines due to temperature differences. We help you to analyse whether the wine is protein stable and which dose of bentonite clay makes the wine stable in the long term.

Price list for laboratory analyses excluding VAT

  • Protein stability 395 SEK
  • FTIR analysis 250 SEK/each or 10 pieces for 2000 SEK
  • Sulphur analysis Free Sulphur 150 SEK/each or 10 pieces for 1200 SEK.
  • Total sulphur 200 SEK/each or 10 pieces for 1600 SEK.
  • Alcohol content distillate 150 SEK/p or 10 pieces for 1000 SEK/p

At least 100 ml/wine, distillate or must for all analyses except protein stability where we will
a minimum of 250 ml/wine in fully filled containers must be sent by business mail to
Lottenlund Estate AB
Lottenlundsvägen 2
254 76 Allerum

Contactperson Tina Berthelsen
Phone 0709-741700
You need to notify your shipment before sending the analysis bottles to us at .
Remember to pack carefully and label your samples clearly as requested. 

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