Lottenlund Estate
With a proximity to the sea, adapted grapes and long maturation with warm days and cool nights make it possible for us to grow grapes in the Öresund region.
In just 20 years, Sweden has transformed itself from the first establishing its first vineyards to produce competitive wines by international standard. With climate change and sustainability in focus and our mildew resistant grape varieties, is the Nordic region where the best white wines will be produced in the future.
We grow our grapes at two locations, just outside Helsingborg is our main location along with Bjäre just an hour north of Helsingborg. Both are situated right next to the sea but with very different terroir.
By growing without pesticides we contribute to a more sustainable environment and our keyconcept: We do not inherit the earth from ourancestors, we borrow it from our children. The grapevarieties we have chosen for our cold climate and terrior is piwi-grapes, which is Pilswlederstandsfähig that on german is translated to funguresistans grapes. These grapevarieties has revulution the world of wines and more grapegrowers for each year choose piwigrapes now, including traditional winecountries as France, Italy and Germany. One of the worst enemies of the grapegrower is Mildew, which is a fungus that easily spread by the wind. Mildew can give a serious infection on the vine, which can jeopardizing the harvest. That is the reason why growers use pesticides several times during growingseason against mildew. In our vineyards we do not need any pesticides since our vine are resistant against mildew.
Each year we spread horsemanure to our vineyards which we have collected at a horsefarm close to Lottenlund. By adding horsemanure we supply the soil with hummus which result in increasing the microlife in our soil and the vines can collect the nutrition with its roots.
With low crop, organic soil principals and 3 syep quality program in the fields we make sure that the grapes are at its best shape when it arrives to the winery shich makes it possible to produce premium products.
By booking a wine experince at Lottenlund you will learn more about how we grow our vines, challenges due to cold climate but also advantages. During the tour we tell you about all the hard work during different seasons and you will experince the connection between the soil and wine in a bottle.
Countryside program
In October 2018 and July 2020 the approval of our application for an attractive countyside, sustainable development and innovation, which we are very proud of. This program is running fom 2014 intil 2020 and is controled by the Swedish agricultural department and Länsstyrelsen. By this work we continue to develop Europe 2020 which result in better , more sustainable and smarter growth for everyone.
We grow seven different varieties, with a focus on white varieties with 60 % which we produces white wines and sparkling wines and 40% black grapes which we produce roséwine and red wine. With a total of 45.000 vines in 2 cru's can we create the best portfolio of beverages with the highest quality for our guests and consumers.
A green grape which was created at the Research Institute of Freiburg 1975, which stems from Merzling and GM6493, which in turn is ascendants from Riesling and Pinot Gris. It is very resistant to diseases and mildew. It takes 80 days for the variety to ripen.
Color: Greenish yellow to yellow
Nose: Fruity Flowers
Taste: Flowers with high acidity. Similarity to Souvignon Blanc with notes of gooseberry and blackcurrant.
Green grape, ascendant from Solaris and Muscat.
Color: Yellow
Nose: Intensive muscat, citrus and a hint of smokiness
Taste: Fruity, Flowers, spicy notes
Souvignier gris
Is a green grape with red skin. The grape was invented in Freiburg 1983, and it’s a crossing between Seyval and Zähringer. With its neutral aroma profile, we use it mainly for sparkling wine.
Color: Pink
Nose: Neutral and fruity, with notes of apple and citrus
Taste: Resemblance to Pinot Blanc with refreshing acidity, minerality and gives the wines a fruity character.
Is a Riesling with parents Rheinriesling and FR589-54 invented by klosterneuburg in Austria 1978. We use this variety to produce with wines.
Color: Yellow
Nose: Citrus, Green apples and apricot
Taste: Similar to Riesling, with citrus, green apples and stone fruit. The high acidity makes it a perfect combination with food.
Cabernet Cortis
Is a crossing between cabernet sauvignon and Solaris, produced by the research institute of Freiburg 1982. The grapes is middle sized and its bunches are heavy. Cabernet Cortis makes a wonderful base for our awarded Rosé wine Lotima Roselyn. But it is also used in our red wine in accommodation with Monarch.
Color: Average intensity red
Nose: Deep and spicy with aromas from dark berries
Taste: Spicy and clear roots from the cabernet style with dark berries. High acidity and a lot of tannins. In colder climate it can become a bit green in style, much like Cabernet Franc in Loire.
Is a crossing developed by the Research Institute of Freiburg 1988, which parents stems from Merzling and Dornfelder, and have a high resistance to disease. Gives middle to big grapes with large bunches. We have chosen Monarch, for its dark color and its low tannins which pair very well with Cabernet Cortis in our red wines.
Color: Deep and Intensive
Nose: Raspberry, Strawberry and Blackberries.
Taste: Intensive acidity, low tannins and a lot of red berries that almost turn to dark berries.
Is a cross between the blue grape Pinot Noir and the green grape Malverina. It has genes from Vitis Berlandieri, Vitis Rupestris and Vitis Vinifera.
Launched in 1990 by the Klosterneuburger Weinbauinstitut in Austria, Pinot Nova has very good resistance to fungal diseases. As the grape produces must with a slightly higher pH value, it is less suitable for warmer climates and is excellent for wine in our cold climate.
Color: Deep and Intensive
Nose: Red berries
Taste: Low fruit acidity, low tannins and lots of red berries that almost turn into dark berries. Due to late ripening, it results in wines with high aromatics.